29 février 2012

Simon Norfolk / Imaging History

Simon Norfolk Lecture
FotoMuseum (Musée de la Photo) / Waalse Kaai 47 / 2000 Anvers
1/3/2012 - 20:00

A lecture In the context of the Exhibition: "Imaging History" at FOMU
Since publication of “Afghanistan: chronotopia", showing all the evidence of decades of destruction of Afghanistan in 2002, Norfolk has aimed to uncover the underlying realities of armed conflict in a many-angled and innovative approach: www.simonnorfolk.com
In 2010, Norfolk revisited Afghanistan, with the intention of entering into a kind of posthumous collaborative project with John Burke, the first known photographer of the Kabul area, who was on location during the Second Anglo-Afghan War of 1878/81. While Burke's work may be considered rediscovered and secured in this of Norfolk's most recent publications (Burke+Norfolk, Dewi Lewis), Norfolk's own images and text shall serve to drive home some central observations on the nature of Western involvement in the region in the eleventh year of the current Afghan war.
Simon Norfolk, most recently, has seen the World Press Award and the Sony Award added to his other prestigious prizes.

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