Un quart de page dans vers l'Avenir. L'article n'est pas mal du tout. Et la mise en page des illustrations respecte vraiment bien ce que je présente. Une journée entière à préparer les derniers détails. Faire différents essais. Laisser pendre mes photos pour être sûr qu'à toute heure du jour elles seront bien éclairées.
1 commentaire:
a dit…
Shiloh Is Salvation, Haven Kelly Ann Taylor, sickened by Crohn's disease and feeling guilty about the four children she had given up for adoption, made it out of Katrina to Shiloh Church here, voodoo dolls and all. Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a Molokai site/blog. It pretty much covers Molokai related stuff.
1 commentaire:
Shiloh Is Salvation, Haven
Kelly Ann Taylor, sickened by Crohn's disease and feeling guilty about the four children she had given up for adoption, made it out of Katrina to Shiloh Church here, voodoo dolls and all.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a Molokai site/blog. It pretty much covers Molokai related stuff.
Come and check it out if you get time :-)
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